Friday, April 13, 2012

15 First Days at IIMC - Craziness (Learning Leadership)

I don't know from where to start.........the initial 15 days in campus had been one of the most toughest days.

We started from understanding the concept of BTM and FSDP and applied it four times as per Prof.Shiba in 6 groups.
One thing I realised that this course has started giving me lot of pressure by the end of the day,we are playing like a T-20 Match with DUCK worth Lewis on the head.
I'll try to summarize the events with the help of Photos, I really feel sorry .....but this blog is turning out to be a Photo blog rather than an story telling, as time in IIM C seems to be running out.

1.FSDP Exercise 1: We had no clue of what was FSDP, we tried and finished with lots of mistakes :)

2.FSDP Exercise 2: This time we improved :)

3.FSDP Exercise 3: Field visit - Gontermann Peipers Limited

4.FSDP Exercise 4: Visit to SPENCER'S Hyper Retail @ South City

Traffic at South City:
Good Bye day :

Friday, April 6, 2012

Classes Classes & Classes

We have completed four days into the Break Through Management and FSDP (Five Step Discovery Process) under the guidance of Padma Shri Prof.Shoji Shiba.I must say these last four days had been by most enlightening and draconian experience till date...I will post details soon :-) I think my batch mates will agree to this.

Understanding Leadership, BTM & FSDP through :

Batch was divided into 6 different groups for understanding the FSDP, all of us successfully completed the first task in complete 3 days...complete means almost 3Days*24 hrs.

I am still awake need to finish my home assignments for tomorrow's session as well , I might turn into a character played by Aamir khan in GHAJANI soon.... :-(

Oh yeah forgot to mention the last part of these four days activities....attending a real time ORGANISATION TRANSFORMATION and example of break through product Chotukool given by SVP of Godrej appliances.

I must thank Mr Hussain for enlightening all of us through his real time transformation process of Pune plant.He came to meet us specifically for this purpose only

Prof. Shoji Shiba says become CRAZY,think CRAZY CRAZY ..if you want to be a GREAT Leader....

Will update more on the learning part in the next post.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ice breaking session

Ice breaking Session started at 2.00pm(IST), which included "ice breaking" by an unique way of introducing each other followed by KARATE KID movie and finally ended up with a TREASURE HUNT to familiarise with the campus. Simultaneously had an opportunity to meet one of our alumni from VLFM community.